The project "Identification, assessment and recognition of informally acquired competences", short IBAK, is completed. This project site is still open to anyone interested, although it will be no longer updated.

The identification, assessment and recognition of informally acquired skills - for us these are still hot items. Get an updated overview on methods and instruments in our IBAK database on our homepage or news from our BMBF project "KomBiA“. We look forward to your visit.

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News (multilingual)

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Ein "guter Einstieg" und "interessantes Überblickswerk"

Eine weitere Rezension des Buches „Wissen, was ich kann“ durch Prof. Dr. Andrea Helmer-Denzel.... mehr

The IBAK project is completed, but the educational challenge remains

After two years of intensive work, the project IBAK ends on 30th November 2010.... mehr

International Compendium

Strasbourg. The IBAK-consortium has published an international compendium of methods of identification, assessment and recognition of informally acquired compet... mehr

Positive Würding des Buches "Wissen, was ich kann"

Das im Waxmann-Verlag erschienene deutsche Kompendium des IBAK-Projektes „Wissen, was ich kann“ erfuhr dreimal eine positive Würdigung.... mehr

Anerkennung und Validierung erworbener Kompetenzen in der EU und der Schweiz: Stand und Perspektiven für die Zukunft

Bern. Referenten aus Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Frankreich und der Schweiz gaben am 3. November 2010 auf einer Tagung des Schweizerischen Verbandes für Wei... mehr
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National Symposium "Evaluation in the practice of juries in “Validation of Acquired Experience” (VAE)

National Symposium actors VAE, Strasbourg 8 and 9 octobre 2009

Partners of GIP FCIP Alsace IBAK European project, held a "workshop" in the form of a national symposium on 8 and 9 October 2009 in Strasbourg. The University of Strasbourg, was very interested in the theme of the project IBAK.
He joined the GIP FCIP Alsace and has contributed to the success of this seminar by giving an important echo in the French academia.
Through this collaboration with the University of Strasbourg, the public responded to the invitation was extended to all actors of VAE in France.
The roundtable participants of the symposium, leading experts and authorities in identification, evaluation, and recognition of skills acquired by experience, were representative figures, from trade unions and employers, teachers and researchers (academics) and national or regional responsible of services validating departments and universities.

The guests and participants came from many French regions (Auvergne, Paris / Ile de France, Bretagne, Provence-Côte d'Azur, etc..). During this meeting they share the opportunity and pleasure to discuss current concerns of each other.
The organization of different roundtables allowed to cross the points of view of the VAE actors with those of professional companies and their human resources departments.

The central question discussed at the symposium focused on the nature of the evaluation performed by the juries of VAE and the possibility of bringing the methodologies developed in companies to increase the qualifications of the job and identify individual skills.
To what extent can we consider that the jury VAE confronting the repository of the diploma to the experience of the candidate makes an assessment of the qualification acquired by the exercise of the profession?
A conclusion was in any case imposed : juries members should receive mandatory training in the analysis of work and employment.

A set of products of this symposium is available on the website :


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