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IBAK Webseite am am 16.01.2025

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EVC-traject levert 27 werknemers direct diploma op

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Inter-Regional Seminar to VAE in Strasbourg (France)

Regional Investigation : How works VAE juries

The GIP FCIP Alsace (Education) has mobilized the Dispositif académique de la Validation des Acquis de l'expérience (Academic Device to Validation of Acquired Experience) (Dava), all ministries (regional departments of Labor and Employment , Agriculture and Forestry, the Sanitary and Social Action, Youth and Sports) and the University of Strasbourg under the project IBAK. They met in the regional working group from may to september 2009.
This working group conducted a discussion on the essential elements of the implementation of VAE through adaptation of the questionnaire developed by the partners of the European project IBAK. This investigation has focused on appropriate operators, the target beneficiary groups, procedures, methods, and implementation of accreditation of prior experience
However the work of VAE- juries was considered as essential. The investigation has focused on the central question of juries, work and training incurred or committed to maximize their share of experience rating. It may be recalled that a jury decide if he secures the professional degree that he is charged from a declarative file written by the candidate. This file describes and analyses the activities performed in different moments of life. In addition the board and the candidate meet during an exchange. The purpose of this interview is explaining the working activities. The questions about knowledge are prohibited.
Participants in the Working Group noted with pleasure the convergence of their practices, despite the diversity workplaces with whom they are related.
The conclusion of the GIP FCIP Alsace is that it will be useful and interesting that the national workshop focuses on the work of juries and their methodology.

Jury VAE : Interview between the candidate and his jury.
The adapted questions from the investigation and the results of the Regional Working Group are available on the website :

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